New Stuff Weekend

Monday is off to a bit of a rocky start. I got to work and the battery backup for our server was making a high-pitched beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep that just about caused my head to explode. My one co-worker is generally in charge of fixing computer stuff that is easily fixed, but apparently he's out playing golf for the next 2 days. So I called the computer guy, who is on vacation until next week. I wanted to call my boss's wife, because she's the office manager, but I couldn't find their home number. Anyway the thing about the computer issue is that it was preventing me from checking e-mail and, more importantly, going online. Blah blah blah, long time later, finally fixed. That was a stupid story, sorry, it was just meant to illustrate why sometimes Monday should just go back from whence it came.

This was new stuff weekend for me. On Thursday my mom and Adriane came down to deliver my new car to me. New car! Awesome! And we went shopping and ate Mexican food and it was tons o' fun. On Friday I got new bedding for my new spare room. On Saturday my dad came down and brought my new dining room table. It's very fancy, my house is slowly morphing from other people's hand-me-downs and leftover college stuff to a real home. (I guess technically both the car and the table are other people's hand-me-downs, but that is not the point.)

After the new table came in the old table had to go out. I was going to list it on Freecycle but my photo was too big of a file and it wasn't working so I gave up and we put it out by the curb with a FREE sign on it. And it totally worked! Some guy in a van stopped and loaded it up and I was down one junky table and three wobbly chairs. Now I am obsessed with finding more things to put out on the curb. I'm thinking of putting my cat out there, just to see if I get any takers. Haha. Just kidding....maybe.

Well, just wanted to kill some time and brag about my new gear. That's all.


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