National Lion Adoption Month. Just kidding, I totally made that up.
Thanks to my sister, I've taken to spending a fair amount of time watching this webcam of baby lions that were born at the National Zoo. I know, right? So incredibly lame. But these lion cubs, man, are they cute! Way cuter than anything I can find to do here in my office, that's for sure. So on the lion cam website there's a link to "Adopt a Lion". I adopted a whale once as a kid, so I already understand that you don't actually get to bring home a baby lion. Apparently some people don't know that, though, because once you get to the lion adoption section, there's a link to an article on why a lion would not make a good pet. Ha, zoo people. You can't fool me. Their reasoning basically goes like this: lions eat a lot of meat, you can't afford to feed them, and they are wild so maybe one day your lion will eat your face. I think it's pretty obvious that the reasons a lion would make an awesome pet far outnumber the reasons it would make a lousy pet.
1. Baby lions are adorable. I mean, just look at this:
2. Nobody else has one. You will have the most awesome pet. You win.
3. When it gets big, you can ride it around like a horse.
4. The lion will keep all undesirables out of your house and yard.
5. The lion can eat annoying things like yappy dogs and neighborhood children.
6. Lions are AWESOME!
See? Many, many reasons to have a lion. I think the real reason is that the National Zoo doesn't want people adopting lions is that they'll lose all their customers if people just go out getting personal lions all willy-nilly. And they are fun-suckers. They want to keep all the cuteness to themselves. Not cool, zoo, not cool.
1. Baby lions are adorable. I mean, just look at this:
2. Nobody else has one. You will have the most awesome pet. You win.
3. When it gets big, you can ride it around like a horse.
4. The lion will keep all undesirables out of your house and yard.
5. The lion can eat annoying things like yappy dogs and neighborhood children.
6. Lions are AWESOME!
See? Many, many reasons to have a lion. I think the real reason is that the National Zoo doesn't want people adopting lions is that they'll lose all their customers if people just go out getting personal lions all willy-nilly. And they are fun-suckers. They want to keep all the cuteness to themselves. Not cool, zoo, not cool.