Wasting My Time, Again. Oh, Ohhhh Agaaaaaaaaain.

I'm biding my time.
I want this day to be over.
It's not really going any faster though.
Which is pretty rude.
I'm going to San Francisco tonight.
I'm not prepared.
I packed last night.
But now I'm having doubts.
I think I need a hat.
I don't wear hats.
My sister looks good in hats.
I don't, on account of my ears.
I think I need a raincoat.
But I hate raincoats.
Plus I live in Tucson.
Why would I even own a raincoat?
I guess for the same reason I own 4 heavy winter coats.
I am insane.
I also own snow boots.
You just never know, am I right?
No, I am not right.
It's a real problem.
This addiction to unnecessary apparel.
My other sister and I were just talking about it.
We buy too many coats because we never had coats as kids.
We were deprived of coats.
One time we got this one Arizona Jean Company jacket.
They were all the rage.
Everyone who was anyone had one.
But not us.
Then we got one jacket.
It wasn't a coat, but it was close enough.
We had to share it though.
We wore it on alternate days.
Then I ripped it.
I made up a story about how it happened.
The story made it not my fault.
But in reality, it was my fault.
Sorry, Geleene.
It was me who ripped the AZ Jean Co. jacket.
It didn't happen in the dryer like I said.
Maybe that's why we couldn't have nice things.
Because I would destroy them.
That's not the point though.
The point is that I don't know what to take to San Francisco.
It is hard to imagine what 60 degrees feels like
When it is currently 100 degrees.
But I use my space heater when the air conditioning comes on.
So there is no doubt that I will be freezing.
I think I need a life coach.
Someone to basically boss me around.
And to advise me what to pack for trips.
Because it's clearly beyond my capabilities.
And maybe my life coach can tell me how to dress, too.
And how to wear my Ben Franklin hair clips.
I need a style adviser slash life coach.
And I don't want to pay for it.
I need to save all of my extra money.
So I can buy coats and hats.
Please enjoy this painting I made.
It's me in San Francisco.
I'm that little red dot.
I'm in my red jacket.
But I didn't actually pack my red jacket.
So I guess it's not that accurate.
And let me just say, this was a commissioned piece.
I don't just sit around here drawing stuff like this.
I mean, sometimes I do.
But not this time.
I just wanted to put that out there.
In case you were thinking I'm crazy.


GeleeneG said…
It's ok. I have a new denim jacket now. It's Calvin Klein.

Also, I didn't even remember what happened to that jacket.
Adriane said…
We were deprived of coats! I'm on my 5th winter in Flagstaff and still don't own a coat.

Also, thats a good paint drawing. Allie Bosh would be proud.
Adriane said…
I mean Brosh. Allie Brosh...
medcat said…
So where can I apply for this life coach/style coordinator position?

Oh, and I thought you were crazy long before the commissioned Paint drawing of the Golden Gate bridge, if that makes you feel any better?

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