Cacti is a stupid word anyway.

Target sells groceries now. I don't care about that because I don't buy groceries, but on the way to work I passed a billboard advertising this new development. It said "Cacti, meet cucumbers." What kind of marketing genius came up with that one? Really? Yes, until you started selling vegetables, we'd never seen a cucumber. We're just a bunch of javelina, really, scrabbling around in the underbrush for a prickly pear. For realz. Target, you are stupid. I mean, I love Target, don't get me wrong, I'm there like 4 times a week, but seriously. It doesn't even make sense. Now if it was a cactus nursery that had introduced a produce department, that would be the perfect sign.

Side note, my spell check doesn't understand javelina. Trust me, spell check. It's a word.

I guess that's all I have to say about that.


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