This one time, in Monaco...

Just kidding. I don't have a story about Monaco. Actually I totally do. Suffice it to say it ends with the tour guide saying, "No, guys, you don't do that! Not in Monaco!" Ah, good times. Would you like to see a picture of Monaco? Yeah well, too bad. I don't have one. Just use your imagination. When you do, imagine a bunch of wine glasses shattered all over the cobblestone street. Then you'll have a good picture of Monaco.

I wish I could tell a story that was all, "She had murder in her eyes," because I think that would be an interesting story. Maybe I'll look at someone with murder in my eyes and then tell you guys about it. Maybe I'll make a painting of it too. Probably not.

I saw this thing on Facebook where supposedly Uncle Warren was telling us (the people) to start a chain letter to make an amendment to the Constitution to fire everyone in Congress. Or something like that. Of course I didn't pass it on because I know Uncle Warren is not slumming it on Facebook, starting chain letters. Give me a break. Look, Warren Buffett, if you want to send me some money for not signing your fake chain letter, that would be fine with me. It might even be a nice gesture since I'm sort of defending you on my blog, which has at least 7 readers. And if you send me money I won't even give it to my congressperson. I'm sayin'.

Do you want to talk about the new Coldplay CD? ZOMGS dudes, I can't believe it's been out since Monday and I haven't even mentioned it. Yeah well, it's all fine, but nothing on there is going to displace anything on my hypothetical Top 10 Coldplay Songs of All Time list. But if you want to sample something, I'll recommend Paradise, which is slowly growing on me like a fungus but in a good way, but which perhaps you've heard because it's a single and maybe they play it on the radio but I don't know because I only listen to KLOVE because it is positive and encouraging, and even though Coldplay is positive and encouraging, they don't play it on KLOVE. I'll also recommend Us Against The World, which perhaps you could find on Youtube but I don't know because I own the album, duh.

I have to finish this up now so my sister can read it before she leaves work because it's Friday and her neck hurts but mostly she just wants to leave work early, even though it's only 3PM there and good workers stay at least until 4 on Fridays. I'm sayin'.


GeleeneG said…
I don't even know how to defend myself from that bizarre attack on my character. You character assassinated me which is sort of like murder in your eyes. So there. Clearly my neck pain is affecting my ability write coherent thoughts.
Erin said…
Maybe we could say I wrote about you with murder in my fingers.

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