
I am not motivated today. It feels like Monday but it's really Tuesday which, I suppose, is something to be thankful for.

This weekend was the big party weekend with the cakes and the cupcakes and all that. Most of my readers were there but just in case you weren't, here is the graduation cake I made for Hayden.

It's the game of Life only I customized the words on the spaces for more Hayden-specific situations. I was more or less happy with how it turned out- it slid around in the box during transport so the frosting got messed up and somehow the decorations didn't quite fit back onto the cake, but overall I think it came out pretty well.

And here are the flower cupcakes I made for my Gram's birthday party.

They don't look very pretty in this picture but they actually looked really nice- as it turns out, we could've done with a lot less cupcakes- there were at least 3 dozen left over. And I went slightly overboard with the frosting so there is also a lot of that left. Luckily it's delicious and I have been eating it on everything that might be improved with a little frosting.

I think that in the future I will not discuss my projects ahead of time. I probably built it up so much that they actual thing could never live up to expectations and then someone might come up to you and be all, that's it? That's what all the hype was about? And that's sort of a beat-down. So, yep.
So, that's the news. Now it's countdown until Boston which cannot come soon enough.


AprilJ said…
The cake is awesome. A friend of mine and I made a cake for Kara's party on Thursday. Will post pictures. You wll see the cake and realize that Kamdon did most of the work but I did some, too. There may be hope for me yet :) Lovely job.

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