Dads, bosses and the wrong name.

Look, all you people that blog, you need to get on the ball. I have a lot of free time here at my job and I count on you updating your blogs to keep me entertained. So get right on that, ok? Ok.

I wish I had some funny anecdote to tell you about today but alas, it's been pretty slow on the anecdote front. Oh, here is something kind of funny.

I work in a small office. It's a husband, wife, son, and me. Today I was talking to one of our clients who I'm trying to get a policy written for, and underwriting needed a specific form. So I called her up and asked for the form. She was like, "Oh, yeah, I'll work on that today and get it to your dad tonight." Ha ha ha. Apparently she thinks my boss is my dad. If I was clever I would've said something like, "How do you know my dad?" but I'm not that quick and also that would probably be sort of rude. So I just went along with it, but now this woman thinks my boss is my dad and it's that kind of weird situation where you let something go on and on until it's awkward to correct. And if she finds out she was wrong, she'll wonder why I never said anything.

That happpened to me once when I worked at Westward Look. Oh, I mean, THE EVIL Westward Look. One of the yoga teachers thought my name was Ally. She always called me Ally, even though I always wore a nametag that said, you guessed it, Erin. Because that is my name. But I never said anything about it and it went on and on for months until one day she apparently took the time to read my nametag and was like, "Your name is Erin! I've been calling you Ally!" and I really didn't have anything to say to that, because it is, and she had been, and I never spoke up about it. So that was kind of embarrassing for both of us.

The moral of this story is that if someone calls you Ally or thinks your boss is your dad, you should probably just set them straight right away, to avoid any potential awkwardness in the future.

And that, kids, is the lesson for today. Thanks for stopping by.


AprilJ said…
Ally, I will update my blog at some point but you;re probably not talking about me anyway. Besides, I don't want you to get in trouble by your dad at work for reading them on the family business' time. OK? Your loving cousin, Amy.

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