Where the Wild Things Are

This weekend I went to the zoo and saw many adorable animals, like polar bears and otters and anteaters. Just kidding about the anteaters, they really aren't adorable. But the otters are. I also learned that the incubation temperature of Galapagos tortoise eggs determines the sex of the babies- how about that? Warm = girls, cold = boys. That's science, my friends.

One thing they don't really have at the Tucson zoo is a desert creepy things exhibit. I think maybe they figure if you want to see that kind of stuff- coyotes, snakes, tarantulas, scorpions, etc., you'll just go into your back yard. Or maybe to the Desert Museum. So I did not see those things at the zoo. But then on Sunday I was going to church and what did I see in the parking lot but one of these:

A gila monster! Cool, right? Anyway that's the whole story. I just wanted an excuse to draw a picture of a gila monster, so there you go.


Amy Filleman said…
I've heard that if a Gila monster bites you, you have to chop off it's head to make it stop. And, they have all this gnarly poison in their saliva and so you get a wicked infection. Glad that Gila monster didn't bite you. Nice picture btw!
Amy Filleman said…
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