Slim in 6 is killing me.

So I told you how I got the Slim in 6 workout DVDs. Since I spent money on them- kind of a lot of money, I think, for a workout DVD, I was determined to stick with the program and actually do it for 6 weeks. 6 days a week for 6 weeks. Ugh. I started last Monday with Start it Up or something, which basically kicked my butt. I could barely walk for most of the week and I was like oh, yeah, this is totally working! By Saturday (day 6) I could more or less make it through the whole 24-minute workout, keeping up with Debbie or whatever her name is. I figured I'd begin week 2 by moving on to the next level. I forget what that one is called.

So, um, yeah. Level one is 24 minutes. Level two- surprise! 48 minutes. It's really hard. I have no athletic ability whatsoever, and no rhythm, and I swear that when she introduces some new move, especially if it involves putting one elbow towards the opposite knee or something like that, I actually have to stop and watch her do it and figure out how I am supposed to make my body do the same thing. It is ridiculous. I'm pretty much with her until she gets to the leg lift part, then I spend a lot of time on my mat curled into a ball. Nice. But, it's only day 2 of week 2 so theoretically I will get stronger and it will get easier. That's what Debbie keeps telling me, and I believe her because she looks like Jennifer Garner and I feel like Jennifer Garner is someone you can trust.

With that said, I came to work today and ate 6 mini candy bars. And a Rolo.


AprilJ said…
Keep on keepin' on... My favorite workout is the 2nd one. The 3rd one is an hour which is a stretch for me with kids involved. I remember not being able to move when I first started a year or two ago. Maybe my problem is never doing them for 6 days in a row for 6 weeks.... go on, girl.
Amy Filleman said…
hahahaha...6 candy bars and a rolo. That's the Erin I know and love.
Filleman Family said…
You should see your cousin work out with our "in home trainer" of the month . . Tony. Good times :)

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