Summer Vacation part 3

Abby is a member of the Boston Dragon Boat team (or something, I forget the exact name) so we went to watch her at the Dragon Boat races on the Charles River. Dragon Boat racing is like crew but they sit 2 per row instead of single file and only paddle on one side.

We saw some grafitti at Harvard that said stuff like "Let it Be" and other philosophical thoughts. Then in Harvard Yard we found this and knew that those Harvard kids are just like everybody else.

On Monday we decided to climb the Bunker Hill Monument, which has 294 steps. Abby told us it was easy and took like 2.5 minutes.

Turns out that's a lot harder than it sounds and we are not in the same shape as Abby, that trickster. Our legs were shaking for probably 45 minutes after the climb. In fact, my calves are still sore. I think if I lived in Boston I would be extremely fit.

Tuesday was the Scooper Bowl. Callie, Adriane and I consumed 26 scoops of ice cream between us, and it was glorious. Here you can see us with our stacks of cups. Those are a sort of trophy to show how much ice cream you've eaten. There were some people who had much bigger stacks. They were mainly teenage boys.

Our flight out of Boston was delayed and we ended up with about 3 minutes to make our connection in Salt Lake. Fortunately that flight was delayed just enough for us to get on board- even more lucky is that our bags made it too!

And that is the story of our trip to Boston.

The End.


AprilJ said…
Clap-clap-clap=clap. What a great story. Read it again.

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