
I didn't get eaten by pack rats.
Or by a brown recluse spider.
In case you were wondering.
You probably weren't.
That's ok.
I probably wasn't wondering about you either.
So there.
I don't have anything to tell you.
I'm in a bad mood.
My heart has been kicked around a bit.
And it's bruised.
And not that funny.
But I don't really talk about my feelings here.
So keep your fingers crossed that this will pass.
It will.
It always does.
But in the meantime,
People are hurtful.
Whether they mean to be or not.
And it's sad.
And disheartening.
And it makes your stomach hurt.
All the time.
Luckily not all people are like that.
That's enough about feelings.
I'm going internet shopping now.
Have a nice Monday.


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