No-Work Friday

Just now the office phone rang and the caller ID showed the number as 11111111. I knew that wasn't a real number but I answered anyway and of course there was no one there. Just silence. Just a spooky breather, but a quiet breather, not a noisy mouth-breather, which is good. If a noisy mouth-breather called I'd probably say something rude or just hang right up on him because I have a very low tolerance for annoying things like mouth-breathing. And then the mouth-breather would probably show up at my office and hack me to bits with a machete, which is fine because I'd rather be hacked to bits than be forced to listen to someone mouth-breath. Plus I wouldn't have to look at insurance rates anymore because I'd be in pieces. Win-win.

Sometimes I will send a text and then on my phone it says I sent it December 31, 1969. Which is pretty weird because I didn't even have this cell phone in 1969. I'm not sure but I guess it has something to do with the Incas or time travel or something sciencey that I don't understand.

Spell-check is arguing with me about the use of the word sciencey. Whatever, spell-check. I defy you.  I well spell whatever word I want in any way I want. That's what I get to do on my blog.

How is it possible that it's only 9:45? Ughhhhhhh. Longest day ever.

I can't wait to put up my Christmas tree and listen to Psalty's Christmas Calamity. Only a week to go. So that's awesome.

I wish I had a kitten and I'd name her Sylvia. Except if I got a cat I think it should be a boy because supposedly they're nicer. And if I get a boy cat his name will be Scott.



GeleeneG said…
In the internet, Jan 1, 1970 is the beginning of time. So your message is a prehistoric relic, like a hieroglyph.
Unknown said…
Psalty's Christmas Calamity!!!!!!! OMG I haven't heard that in FOREVER!!! I'm so glad somebody else remembers the wonderfulness of Psalty the Singing Song Book!
Erin said…
Anna! It warms my heart that you're familiar with Psalty. I definitely bought the CD for myself. As an adult. Because it is awesome. I should burn you a copy.

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