Enemy Anemone

I don't have anything to write about Enemy Anemones, but isn't that fun to say? It's like a party for your mouth. Or something. Never mind. Enemy Anemone. Say it.

I thought today was my 4 year work anniversary and I was going to be all demanding and be like, "You- bring me a treat! No, bring me 4 treats, one for each year!" and then I'd get cinnamon rolls and Blizzards and stuff. Then I'd sit around, not really working, just eating treats. So pretty much it would be like every other day. But then I did some research and my first day was really March 7 so that means my 4 year work anniversary came and went with nary a treat. I'd be more upset if I hadn't brought a bag of magical meringue cookies that are super delicious and not even that unhealthy even though they are filled with sugar and chocolate chips. Now that is a real party for your mouth. Forget the enemy anemone. Well, don't forget it completely, because that still is funny.

Enemy Anemone might be a good name for a band. If I get drums and start a band, maybe it will be called Enemy Anemone.

Whoa, all along I was thinking an anemone was like this nasty stringy sea creature and it turns out it's a flower. Just a stupid flower. Not an enemy at all, unless you have allergies I guess. Those stringy sea creatures are Sea Anemones. They're named after the flower. Hmm. I have to rethink this band name now. I can't have a band named after a flower. Can I? I guess maybe I can. It worked for Guns N' Roses. I think maybe the Enemy part balances out the fact that it's probably a total wuss move to name your band after a flower. Probably.

I'm going to find an anemone and then glue some angry eyes on it and keep it on my desk. Then people will know not to bother me, unless they are bringing me treats. Yes. This is what I will do. I hope it is anemone season.


AprilJ said…
Here's what Wikipedia says about anemones:

Sea anemones are a group of water-dwelling, predatory animals of the order Actiniaria; they are named after the anemone, a terrestrial flower. Sea anemones are classified in the phylum Cnidaria, class Anthozoa, subclass Zoantharia.[1] Anthozoa often have large polyps that allow for digestion of larger prey and also lack a medusa stage.[2] As cnidarians, sea anemones are closely related to corals, jellyfish, tube-dwelling anemones, and Hydra.

So it wouldn't be wussy to name your band after a predatory sea animal after all! Plus,they eat things that are bigger than them thus making them extra bad-butt.
Amy Filleman said…
That is so fun to say!!!

Also, what about a bar or a pet shop? IF you didn't decide that it was a band.

Lastly, is it a euclid anemone?? Bc that s what I picture.
Erin said…
Oh, vom, Sea anemones sound disgusting. Medusa stage? What? Gross. And scary. But those are sea anemones. Regular anemones are just non-threatening flowers. I bet they do come in euclid though.

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