I once read on the Internet that you could send a text message to a land line and a robot voice would speak your message when someone answered the phone. I can't even tell you how many messages I sent to different phone numbers trying to scare people into thinking that robots were after them. It never worked, though, which is too bad because I could do a lot of shenanigans with that technology.

Yesterday someone tried to blow up the Bank of America up the road from my office and as a result traffic backed way up and I almost couldn't get out of here. Luckily it wasn't really a bomb and they opened the road just in time for me to not have to stay here past 5PM. That would've been an outrage. Also, clearly our office needs to move out of the ghetto. First a bunch of people get shot up at Safeway, now people are trying to blow up BofA in the very same complex. The Foothills just aren't safe anymore.

Just now the Edible Arrangements van pulled up directly outside my office. In the approximately 30 seconds it took the driver to park, climb out, and get the Edible Arrangement from the back of the van, I'd come up with this entire scenario where it was a delivery for my boss' wife, because today is her birthday, but someone didn't get the memo that she's in Europe and sent her an Edible Arrangement. And then BJ and I would have to eat the arrangement because obviously it won't keep until she's back. Then that guy had to go and deliver it next door and ruin my plan. He's still sitting out there though. Maybe he delivered it to the wrong place and he's going to have to go in and get it and bring it in here.. And then I will eat it.

There is also more excitement going on in the complex today, because now the fire department is here. They went into one of the next door offices. Maybe the psychiatrist, definitely not the acupuncturist. I hope something interesting happens. I should go outside and catch myself a fireman.

Now this lady is trying to leave but she can't because the ambulance is blocking her car. Ha. She's all confused. She's sitting there with her car running, like that's going to make them move their ambulance. I think not, lady.

Oh, they're leaving now. They didn't even bring anyone out. Lame. Worst emergency ever.

That's all the excitement. I'm going to resume being bored now.


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