
I am writing this blog because I can't do any work. I can't do any work because my computer is broken. My computer is broken because I got a virus while I was perusing the Internet. I was perusing the Internet instead of working.

Think about that for a moment, will you?

What is most annoying is that I do have things to do, for once- piles of files (hey, that rhymes) and probably e-mails and faxes and many other Important Insurance Things that I'm meant to be handling. Only I can't handle them at all because I'm using this janky old computer that was built circa 1992 and runs just slightly faster than a dying sloth. That is to say, not very fast.

The computer guy was supposed to be here at 10, but since it's noon I'm guessing that's not going to happen. I don't have any lunch, but I can't leave, because what if the guy shows up and no one is here? Then my computer will just keep on being broken and I will be sad. So sad. So I'm stuck here with lots of work and no way to do it and it is making me very grouchy.

I'm going to punch a puppy.

Not really, but only because there aren't any puppies here.

Also, I got this sunburn? On Saturday? And it still hurts. That's not normal. I'm really quite familiar with sunburns, and this is definitely not normal sunburn behaviour. I don't know why I just put that 'u' in there, like I'm British or something, but I like it. This computer doesn't have spell check because it hadn't been invented yet in 1992 so I get to type whatever I want. Not that I don't do that anyway but whatever.

Why are you even reading this? What a waste of the Internet. What a waste of time. Don't you have something better you should be doing right now? Like working on your files or something?

Yeah, I thought so.

I want some toast.

When I was a kid my sister used to get these really bad sunburns, and then I would make her let me peel her, and sometimes I'd peel her before she was ready and then she'd get oozy wounds and scabs and stuff. Hahahaha. Good times. I'd get in trouble for that though. Anyway if she was here now, I'd let her peel my sunburn. We're tight like that. She probably doesn't want to peel my sunburn, but she should, because it's a really good one. Good peeling action.

Yep, that just happened.

I hope you're happy you just wasted your precious time reading this. I hope you're happy.


GeleeneG said…
I would like it noted for the record that I am not tht sister mentioned in this post.
Erin said…
Ha. Yeah. Geleene would never do anything as fun as peel someone else's sunburn.
Adriane said…
I would like to peel your sunburn. It's like peeling a banana, but more rewarding.

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