It's not really poetry.

I guess some people interpreted this mindless rambling as poetry.
It wasn't supposed to be.
It's just a style.
A style of not having to have coherent thoughts.
But I guess if you want to call it poetry, you can.
That's all right with me.
I have a sunburn on the back of my legs.
It hurts really badly.
It's kind of all I can think about.
But I won't write a whole blog about it.
Because that would be weird.
And what's a blog without pictures?
I don't have any pictures of the back of my legs.
My mind is still on vacation.
That's ok because so is my boss.
So it works out in the end.
Hopefully tomorrow my mind will come to the office.
In the meantime I'll just read the internet.
This weekend I saw a cab driver almost get beat up.
His passenger was really angry.
And possibly drunk.
No, definitely drunk.
I didn't really like it.
People shouldn't fight.
It's yucky.
I had a crane made from a Starburst wrapper.
But I think it blew away.
In 2 weeks I'm going to Rome.
How do you feel about that?
In 19 days I will be 29.
I don't know how I feel about that.
There should really be more snacks in the office.
I guess I can eat some cheese.
I'd rather just take a nap.
This morning there was a cockroach under my desk.
I really wanted to leave it for my coworker to deal with.
I don't handle the bugs.
It's not my department.
But I decided to take care of it.
I thought it was dead but it moved when I touched it.
I threw it in the trash.
I hope it doesn't come back to life.
That would be kind of nasty.
A lot nasty, actually.
I better do some kind of work or something.
Maybe soon I'll have a real post.
Until then just enjoy this poetry.


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