
I just wrote a long post that included pictures, anecdotes, and other bits of goodness. You would’ve really liked it, I think. But then the phone rang, and my coworker, in his usual lazy way, refused to answer it. I swear, it’s like his arms are broken or something. So he’s declared mutiny on answering the phones (even though it’s the stupid Sun Trust robot calling to tell him to pay his bills) and I got super irritated and deleted the whole post in a fit of passive-aggressive rage, which doesn’t even make sense on account of he isn’t even aware of this blog and didn’t know I was writing it or that I deleted it. Whatever. Now when the phone rings it’s going to be a battle of wills as to who can hold out the longest but the point here is that you can thank my coworker for this stupid post.

While I come down from my anger high, you can read this sort of funny email exchange I had with my sister, who, by the way, I have received 496 emails from in the last 13 days. It’s a wonder I ever get any work done, truly. Not that I’m blaming her- I’m fully an instigator here. I just think it’s awesome.

Me: Yesterday I decided to trim back that giant lantana because it is at least 80% dead. Now my legs and arms are all clawed up and I have a blister. It’s pretty funny. My legs were bleeding from scratches.

G: I got all scratched up trimming a bush a few weeks ago.  I looked like I had been attached by a really mad cat.

Me:  Yeah, that is how I look. And I was wearing a too-small yoga top under a t-shirt and then I took the t-shirt off in the garage before I went inside because it was covered with sticks and stuff. Then I changed into shorts. Then I went to take the trash out with my stomach half showing and my butt hanging out and the neighbors were out in their driveway. Ha. The guy was like, “Good afternoon”. And I was like, “Hey”, and ran back inside. Then I played my drums.

G: Ha ha ha ha.

Me: I was hoping they’d hear me playing and be like, “Even though that girl was spilling out of her clothes, apparently she has drums so that’s cool.”

G: They were probably like, “Ugh, not only is our neighbor totally trashy but she has loud drums too.”

Me: Those were probably their words, but it was more like- “Heck yeah, we have a trashy neighbor and she has loud drums!”

End scene.

Oh yeah, and this happened:


GeleeneG said…
How soon before your cat is sleeping in the bass?
Erin said…
OhMyGosh, she can't get in there because it doesn't have a hole but how cute would that be?! Plus she'd help to dampen the sound.
Clayton said…
I actually laughed out loud (LOL). The whole yoga shirt and neighbor thing. Funny.
Clayton said…
BTW, it's not really Clayton.. it's April but you probably knew that.

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