Day 2

I know I said I probably wouldn't draw new things every day but today you got lucky because I am suffering from extreme boredom and I was in the mood. So here is a MS Paint rendering of the Drawing Challenge Day 2: Your favorite animal. And I should clarify, apatosaurus nee brontosaurus is not really my favorite animal. (That is totally not how you use the word nee but I wanted to use it so I just did, so get over it.) I mean, how can you pick just one animal? What about adorable kittens? What about thumb monkeys? What about the other dinosaurs? There are just so many to choose from. So I picked the one that would be easiest to draw and that's all. So if any other animals are reading my blog, don't be upset. It's not personal, it's business.

Anyway, for your viewing pleasure, I give you: Apatosaurus standing near palm.

Oh, also, he's purple because I felt like making him purple. So deal with it.

And since I hate when you go to a blog and it's nothing but a random drawing of a purple dinosaur...oh wow, I just realized I practically made Barney. Jeez, that's embarrassing. Oh well. As I was saying, blogs with just pictures are boring so here are some words to entertain you as well.

Enemy Anemone

I kid, I kid, although those words are pretty entertaining.


Yesterday I put a cup of coffee in the freezer to make it icy and then I forgot about it and of course it froze solid so I've spent the better part of the morning chipping away at it with a spoon. It's amazing how slowly coffee thaws.

Also today there was a dead cockroach in the middle of the office and since I do not like to pick up dead cockroaches, just in case they are not really dead, I just walked around it every time I had to pass by. I did it like 10 times. Finally my coworker either took pity on me or realized it's unprofessional to leave dead bugs lying around in the middle of the floor and cleaned it up. And he didn't even chase me around with it in a tissue the way he normally does. So that's a forward step in our relationship, I think.

Well anyway, I'd love to sit here and regale you with tales of dead bugs and pedicures, but I have to go to the store to pick up a Father's Day present which will almost definitely be late, especially because I forgot that I already decided not to mail it because it's fragile and will probably break during shipping. So just enjoy the finer nuances of my MS Paint-ing and I will be back soon with Day 3.


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