Meet My New Feature

I'm introducing a new feature on my blog today- Wednesday is for Lists. (That might change. I just made it up this very moment.) But wait, you're saying. This isn't Wednesday, it's Thursday. You're right about that! But I already have a Friday feature and no features for the other 6 days of the week so it doesn't make sense to have a Thursday feature and a Friday feature, and then nothing scheduled for 5 days. So it's Wednesday for Lists, starting on Thursday. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Now, on with the list.

Things I Do That Are Age Inappropriate

1. Get the one with sprinkles. Whether it's a doughnut or ice cream or a cookie, I'll always opt for sprinkles. They're just sugar and artificial color, I know that, but they're so pretty and crunchy and fancy. Yes to sprinkles.

2. Buy Kids'Cereal. I suppose that as an adult I should enjoy Wheaties or All Bran or Grape Nuts, but I am much happier with a box of Cocoa Puffs or, even better, Lucky Charms. I've even located a source for large bags of freeze-dried marshmallows and have contemplated buying it to spice up ordinary grown-up cereals. It'd be something of a balance between mature and freaking awesome.

3. Listen to Psalty. You are familiar with Psalty, no? The singing songbook? Star of Kids Praise, among other things? As a disclaimer, I really only listen to Psalty at Christmas time, but from Thanksgiving on the CD (which I bought for myself within the past 5 years) is in constant rotation in my car. And I sing along, even when the music is all wrong and they sound like chipmunks, and I'm sure I look and sound like a dang fool and I don't even care.

4. Watch Saved by the Bell. This is really never inappropriate, though someone whose inner child is dead might think I'm a little too old for it. Whatever. That is classic television right there, with a good message thrown in as a bonus! It's practically a modern-day Aesop's Fables. I'm so excited...

5. Make someone else drive. I've been driving for over 10 years now and I'm still just not that enamored with it. I'd much prefer to be a passenger, and if I can score the backseat where I'll have no responsibility at all, even better.

This is the part where I'm like, what things do you do that are age inappropriate? And then you'd leave lots of comments. But this isn't that kind of blog and I'm not going to beg for your affections. That said, you know, if the mood strikes...


Filleman Family said…
I also hate to drive. I have always told Mark that if we were rich and I was afforded one simple luxury, I think it would be never having to drive myself anywhere. Just wait till you have to buckle kids into 5-point-harness car seats before and after every car outing - it will take hating to drive to a whole new level :)

I don't like sprinkles much and hate surgery cereals (even as a kid) but I could probably get sucked into Saved by the Bell. I was more of a 90210 kid - but we did the Saturday morning SBTB things too.
Tracey said…
...and I just can't hide it.
Amy Filleman said…
Surgery cereals?? Couldn't those be a little dangerous??

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