I was looking around online for a waffle recipe with good reviews. I found a few that had like 5 stars and approximately 400 reviews each and I was like, this looks good! And then I read the reviews and seriously every other person is like, "These are great! I love this recipe! The only thing I did differently was add this and this and cook it this long and change this and blah blah blah." Look, you jokers- if you change the recipe, then you aren't using the recipe given- you've made your own recipe! So you can't give 5 stars to this recipe! DO YOU GET IT??? As soon as you start adding ingredients and changing amounts, we are no longer talking about the same recipe. So your review is useless to me. USELESS!

That is all.


Filleman Family said…
I have tried tons of waffle recipes and I think that the Joy of Baking recipe is always the very best. Even when I add some whole wheat flour in place of some of the reg flour (sorry . . couldn't resist my adaptation - hahaha:) but seriously - that one never comes out bad. I make them in bulk and freeze them for the kids. Yummy - making me hungry.
Amy Filleman said…
My mom has an awesome waffle recipe. Want me to email it to you?
Erin said…
you guys are missing the point. I don't need a waffle recipe. I need people to stop adjusting every recipe on the internet and then giving their version 5 stars. I don't think that is so unreasonable.

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