I'm Not Ready for Monday

Occasionally I get to work and realize that my dress is too short.
That happened today.
I kind of realized it when I stopped to get some breakfast.
But by then it was too late.
So now I am at work in a dress that is slightly inappropriate.
Oh well.
These things happen.
I had the most delicious strawberry oatmeal for breakfast today.
It tasted just like these oatmeal things I ate when I was a kid.
Those were discontinued, even though they were delicious.
I am glad to see they are basically back.
Even better, they are for grown-ups.
And they cost 25 cents each.
Cheapest breakfast ever.
Well, maybe not as cheap as, say, toast.
But still pretty cheap.
My coworker is on vacation until sometime next week.
This is bad news for me.
It means I have to handle his business.
I have my own business to handle.
Also, most of his clients are jerks.
And I don't want to deal with them.
If I hadn't had strawberry oatmeal, I'd be in a really bad mood.
As it is, I am just in a semi-bad mood.
I will eat some trail mix.
And insure some groups.
People should pay their bills.
Especially groups.
Grumble grumble grumble.
I like snacks.


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