Look Out!

I just saw a headline that I thought read, "Monster Influx Is The Worst In Years" but upon second glance it said "Monster Pollen Influx" and that is a big difference. Less scary and much less interesting.

I think I may need to take up golf and the reason for this is that my boss and coworker are out "networking" at a golf tournament today while I am here in the office. Alone again, naturally. But seriously, it doesn't really seem fair that they get to go hang out in the sun on a lovely 80 degree day while I sit here in the office fielding phone calls from people I can't help and trying to make up legitimate-sounding excuses for why no ever works here. People get all angry when I'm like, sorry, they're out of the office this morning. I talked to one man and he was all, "I am waiting for *coworker* to get me some information on blah blah blah boring insurance junk." And I don't really know how to respond do that. Um...congratulations? As much as I might like to beat coworker about the head and face, I cannot force him to respond to his clients. So if he's ignoring you, buddy, that is not my fault. Or my problem, only you're making it my problem by calling and harassing me while I am trying to do some internet shopping! Have some respect, man!

The clients are the worst part of my job, I swear. If I could just sit here all day filling out forms and doing paperwork I'd be as happy as a clam.

If clams are even happy. I don't know what they have to be happy about.

They're probably just happy because they don't have clients.

Why don't you just look at this picture I took of a chocolate bunny cake?


Adriane said…
Monster pollen could be scary too, imagine that.

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