This is a drawing of my office complex.

I work in the center office- INSURANCE.

Every day, at least once a day, someone comes down the sidewalk to my office, looks around very confusedly, then trots off across the gravel to one of the psychiatry offices next door. Every day. I see this happen through the window. Sometimes they open the office door, look inside and see that it is not a waiting room, or whatever is inside those psychiatry offices, and they quickly leave without saying anything. Or sometimes they will make a little squeak or other noise. But they never say anything to me, even though I am sitting right here watching them.

Sometimes they peer through the window. I can see them do this too, but they don't know I am watching. So I just sit here as they press their shiny little faces up to the glass like a bunch of illiterate crazies. I mean, come on! There is a sign out there next to the sidewalk that leads straight to the door. Above the door is another sign, just in case the sidewalk sign wasn't clear enough. Yet these people still show up, day after day, utterly confused. It is completely baffling to me.

Sometimes people will try that blank door next to ours. That is a blocked off door to my boss's office. It has no signs, because it is not a main entrance. But people still try it. They will wander back and forth in front of our office, up and down the sidewalk. It is so confusing to them! And confusing to me, because I can't understand what is so hard about it.

I think am going to make a sign like this for our office door. I think it will help.

 Or maybe:

Although that one could probably be a little confusing to the poor saps.

Wow, that was a really boring story. Sorry. Something better may be coming up soon but I can't make any promises.


Erin said…
Aw man, my office complex picture got cut off. It ruins the whole post. Boo.
GeleeneG said…
I am pretty sure that I invented that <-- Crazies --> sign.
Filleman Family said…
that was hilarious!!!! can't wait to show this to your cousin.
Josh said…
You have mad MS Paint skills. That is all.

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