A Monster is After Me

I may or not be under attack by some kind of two-fingered monster. And this is why.

The other night I was lying on the couch, deeply engrossed in "The Little Couple" or something equally intelligent, when my cat came flying out from behind the curtains. She hangs out in the window all the time but is usually pretty particular about how she gets in and out- through the crack in the curtains. Not this time though- she busted straight through the curtains, zoomed across the room, crashed into things, and then went into hiding. The rest of the night she lurked down the hall with a puffy tail and wild eyes. But, you know. She's a cat. So I wasn't that concerned.

Then today as I was coming in from work I noticed something on the window.

Can you see that? 2 creepy finger swipes? Freaky, right? So then last night I was on the couch again and the cat came in and stood up at the window with her front paws on the sill. She sniffed around. She looked concerned. She acted very cautious. Finally she hopped up into the sill and went over to those marks and sniffed around some more.


Normally I don't blog about my cat but this is kind of like a mystery. And if I ever vanish I think you should have the police check out those marks, because it is almost definitely some kind of a monster that is trying to eat me.


medcat said…
It looks like a rake! But poor Aiden!
Erin said…
No way is that a rake- both of my rakes have thin metal...rakey parts. Those smudges are finger sized. It's definitely some kind of monster or killer.
Anonymous said…
medcat said…
Have you been watching horror movies at night again?
Anonymous said…
Good thing your window is so dirty and you might not have had any evidence.
GeleeneG said…
It's probably something from the X-Files.

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