Not Trendy

Every day I go to Yahoo to check my mail. There's a little box in the corner that says Trending Now, and it lists all the topics that are, well, trending. And every day I'm like, I'm not clicking on any of those. I am above pop culture and I don't care about such stupid stuff.

I think the trending box takes this as some kind of a challenge. The trending topics get weirder and weirder. Tiffani Theissen? Really? Is it 1992? Velcro? Why? And Kroger Ice Cream. Why on earth would that be a trend? I want to resist it, to show that I couldn't care less about what's popular, but it's just so weird. I have to click. I have to find out what's going on. And then it's like a self-fulfilling prophesy- they say it's a trend, I search for it, making it even trendier.

Hmm. You know, this was funnier in my head.
Sorry you guys, I'll try harder.

Why don't you just look at this cute bunny.


GeleeneG said…
Tiffani Thiessen (aka Kelly Kapowski-Morris) is "trending" right now because she just had a baby.
Anonymous said…
And Kroger ice cream got recalled.
Erin said…
And Velcro, then? What's trendy about Velcro?
Anonymous said…
The army is no longer using Velcro.

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