I need your opinion.

I gave up shopping for Lent. If you know me at all, you know that this is a very legitimate sacrifice. I love shopping, all shopping, in any form. I get excited when I run out of toothpaste because it means I get to BUY MORE! Yay! And that is not sarcasm, not even a little bit.

So, I gave up shopping for Lent. The "rules" or whatever are that I can't buy anything unnecessary- so, no clothes, no candy, no shoes, no books- nothing, basically, except food and gifts for things like baby showers or birthdays where it would be beyond lame to show up giftless and be all, oh, sorry, would've gotten you something but I'm not allowed to shop. If, for example, I were to run out of, say, shaving cream, which is about to happen actually, I am not allowed to replace it, because there are plenty of other things in my bath and beauty arsenal that will serve the purpose of shaving cream. So basically, unless I really, really need it, I can't have it.

Now, here is the dilemma. I am almost out of makeup. I wear Clinique makeup and it is almost gift time- I got the card in the mail the other day. The only time I buy new makeup is when it is gift time- twice a year, March and September. And as luck would have it, gift time starts next week and ends well before Lent does. So now I have to decide if it buying makeup is a legimate necessity. I mean, obviously I won't die without it (but I will look ugly, which is almost definitely as bad as dying). I'm not totally out, but I am pretty sure I will be out within the next couple of weeks. I don't have any spare makeup lying around. It's the only makeup I use, so I can't really buy some cheaper alternative (which is still shopping anyway, so if I'm buying makeup I might as well buy the makeup I want). But if I buy it, is that cheating? Because to get the gift, I'd have to buy something beyond the makeup that I really need. And then I'd have what I need, plus an extra something, plus the gift.
Does the fact that the gift contains self-tanner change things at all?

What do you think? Do I fail Lent if I buy the makeup next week during Gift Time?
(This is the part where all you readers chime in! Reader feedback time!)


Filleman Family said…
My opinion is that giving anything up for the purpose of "lent" has no spiritual significance anyway so run TO Clinique and run FROM legalism:) If however you were giving it up for some kind of genuine spiritual significance like spending the time you usually spend shopping with the Lord, then I would say you have to just go with your personal conviction on that. I know that God isn't please with legalism, only with the genuine sacrifice of our hearts . . . PLUS are you really not going to shop at/for Disneyland!!!???!!! No fun :)
Erin said…
Honestly, I would've just said that I gave it up because I'll save a load of money and it's easier than a new year's resolution- I'm almost guaranteed to be successful and it fits into a nice little package of 40 days, but I figured people would be all, *gasp* *shock* *horror* that is NOT the purpose of Lent!!! So it has nothing to do with me thinking I'm winning any points with God. And as an aside, I haven't bought anything at Disneyland in like 5 years. There comes a point where you just don't need any more...
AprilJ said…
Hmmmm, can you get someone else to buy it for you? And then just hold it until after Lent? Perhaps convincing your mom to make it your Easter basket?
Adriane said…
I think buying makeup is ok. I agree with Michelle's reasoning, but also because you need makeup. Trust me on this, I bought cheapo eyeliner a week ago and am regretting it already. Just do it.
Anonymous said…
I have some makeup I could send you to tide you over.
Callie said…
The makeup is a necessity. As much as toilet paper. Buy the makeup and if you feel guilty about the additional purchase you could give it to someone for their baby shower!

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