The One Where I Waste a Vast Amount of Time Discussing Paper Clips

Just now I printed out a 14 page document. I'm going to need to make copies of it later, so rather than stapling the pages I opted to use a paper clip.

The paper clip that I randomly selected from my magnetic cup-o-paper clips was a gold one. And that got me thinking, what makes a company elect to spring for the gold paper clips, rather than the regular silver ones? I mean, surely you must pay more for those fancy gold clips.

I wondered how much more, so I went to the Office Depot website and searched "paper clips". There were 98 results. 98 different types of paper clips, people. Lots of those are actually binder clips, but still. 98 seems a little excessive. The gold ones are around 4 cents each, versus less than a cent for the regular silver ones. So companies are paying, like, 400% more for the gold paper clips. Or something. And for what? Does it win them more business? "Well, Tom, I think we should go with ABC Company- look at those gleaming golden paper clips! They must be raking it in to be able to afford luxuries like that!" 

I doubt it. But what do I know? Sometimes I use *gasp* colored paper clips! I bet those are the abomination of the paper clip world.

I would just like you to know that I've spent a good 20 minutes researching and writing this blog. About paper clips.

You're welcome.

A comparison of the paperclips on my desk:


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